The Goal of UltraFit Fitness

The goal of UltraFit Fitness & Nutrition is to make you a better athlete and to get you into better health. Please leave a question or comment on this page, and I will be glad to answer them for you!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Leadville Report: Day 1

Arrived in Leadville, CO yesterday evening after an 11 hour drive from Las Vegas, NV. This morning I went for a 13 mile training run around the Mineral Belt Bike Trail and wanted to post a video for you to see the sights and see some race reports before the big day. Slowly runner's from across the world are arriving in town to get ready for the race on 20-21 August. I met two guys this morning from the UK who are here for their first attempt at finishing the Leadville Trail 100 Ultramarathon. Weather looks to be perfect for the race, current reports are predicting 30% chance of rain on Friday and mostly cloudy Sat-Sun with temps between 72-40 degs. Stay tuned for video's and pictures that only UltraFit can bring you!

 Photo 1:  Leadville, CO is the highest city in the US, where the people live at 10,200 ft

 Photo 2:  The city of Leadville with Turquoise Lake in the background, the race starts in the center of town and follows the lake on the north side then heads south to the turn around point.

Photo 3:  Leadville is known for it's history in coal mining, 
in this picture you see the remnants of an old coal shaft

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Amino Acids: Your Secret Weapon?

Many athlete's are discovering the benefits of taking amino acid supplements for targeting muscle growth and recovery.  Everyone from bodybuilder's, endurance athlete's, runner's, cyclist's, and average joe's, are realizing benefits from taking an amino acid, but not all amino acid's are equal.  There are 8 essential amino acid's to include L-Leucine, L-Valine, L-Isoleucine, L-Lysine hydrochloride, L-Phenylalanine, L-Threonine, L-Methionine, L-Tryptophan.  These are the key building blocks for muscle growth & repair.  It is difficult to find a full spectrum amino acid, so what you'll see a lot of in GNC and on many websites and advertisements are BCAA's (Branch Chain Amino Acids).  These are only three of the important 8 you should be using.  If you think of it as a car, you'll need wheels, doors, steering wheel, engine, transmission, windows, seats, and lights.  What good is a car going to do with only three of those components? 

You'll notice that protein powder's contain amino acids, as do protein foods, but it takes time for your body to digest and convert the proteins down into its usable source.  Eating a steak could take up to 2 days to get all the amino acids, protein powders could take up to 2-6 hours.  As an ultrarunner, I make sure to take 5 capsule's of MAP every morning 30 minutes before my run's to help prevent muscle breakdown.  I truly believe it is one of the reason's I maintain so much muscle mass even though I'm running over 100 miles a week in training.  This is my favorite amino acid supplement which is made by Body Health, and has a 99% NNU, which means nearly the entire capsule is used and almost nothing goes to waste unlike protein powders.  Check it out here: and be sure your using the code UltraFit in order to get a awesome discount!